Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where is the pork?

The market plunge today was a real vote of confidence for the Senate version of the "Spendulous" bill. It certainly disingenuous to say there are no earmarks in this bill. No earmarks were required - the pork was loaded into the bill right from the beginning. I started to read the bill - it is a real page turner. I'm going to post the ludicrous spending items here on my blog.

Pork in the stimulus bill.
  • $50 million for new TSA uniforms
  • $4 billion for community activist programs such as ACORN
  • $400 million for global warming research
  • $335 million for STD prevention
  • $50 million for National Endowment of the Arts

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hey Washington - WAKE UP!!

For the past couple of weeks I've been listening to the debate in Washington on the economic crisis. The more I learn what is in this bill the more I think I am watching a horrible movie and wonder when the credits will roll so that I know it's over. There must be something in the air in Washington DC that makes our elected leaders lose all common sense when they arrive. The pork and outright payoffs in this stimulus bill are unconscionable! This congress is on the verge of saddling the American people with ANOTHER trillion dollars of debt.

Hey congress why don't we keep it simple! The economy will get going when people have money to spend. A bill could be passed next week and made retroactive to January 1 with the following elements. 1) $50,000 tax credit for buying a new home 2) $20,000 tax credit for buying a new car 3) low interest home loan guarantees for existing homeowners 4) suspend the payroll tax for the first 90 days of the year. Once this is done, the debate can begin on what type of government involvement should be for maintaining our existing infrastructure and investing in the future infrastructure.

Americans have had enough of government bailouts. Especially when we learn that $78 billion was overpaid. Companies receiving bailouts paid for prostitutes and took lavish and excessive junkets. When is congress going to wakeup and realize that economic recovery starts from the bottom up and not the top down.

Tim Johnson, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Arlen Specter please think twice before voting for this massive pork bill. VP Joe Biden is right when he says there could be a backlash. American's did not send the congress to Washington DC to turn us into a debtor nation.